Thursday, 30 January 2014

Preview: Fenom Kimonos' Hannette Staack Signature Gi

After I reviewed Fenom Kimonos' white pearl weave gi for Breaking Muscle, I was so impressed I ordered the pearl weave in navy as well. As a surprise, owner Triin Seppel included the Hannette Staack Signature gi for review. This gi is priced at $140USD and will help to fund the 8-time World Champions training. My review of this gi is coming soon to Jiu Jitsu Style magazine so subscribe now for the digital or print edition of this amazing magazine!

Keep reading for measurement and more photos. Click to enlarge photos.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Preview: Grips Athletics Chillout Women's Tracktop

The Chillout Tracktop by Grips Athletics has permanently replaced my Lululemon track top. Grips keeps hitting it out of the park with quality performance gear. It has breathable mesh under the arms and at the sides, a honey comb pattern, flat zipped pockets, an MP3 player pocket with a hole for the earphone wire, reflective accents... the list is endless. My review will be up on Breaking Muscle in the next few months. If the spring-like weather keeps up in Nova Scotia, it may be up sooner! Read on for more pics plus measurements!

Preview: 93 Brand Jiu Jitsu Arm Drags! Rashguard

The Arm Drags rashguard from 93 Brand Jiu Jitsu is just one of many amazing rashguards that will be available on I also heard a rumor that this rashguard will be available on BJJHQ sometime soon so start saving your pennies! Click the pictures to enlarge and read on for measurements. Check back on Breaking Muscle for my full review in the coming months!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Titans Women's BJJ Student Profile: Kelly Pittman

In the Stuart Cooper Film "We Are ArtistsRafael Lavato Jr. says it best. "Martial arts can really bring everyone together, especially jiu jitsu. You see it in academies all across the world. So many times I'm on my mat and I look back and I'm sitting against the wall and I just look at the mat and I look around  and I see all of these people together, sharing their techniques and sharing their energies and having fun with each other and then you realize, look this is a highschool kid, this is a business man, this is a family man; people that are just all across the spectrum, people that would never cross paths with each other any other way. It's really amazing. I think you see that so much more with jiu jitsu than other martial arts because of the connection that you make with people."

Titans Women's BJJ Student Profile: Sara Drysdale

In the Stuart Cooper Film "We Are Artists" Rafael Lavato Jr. says it best. "Martial arts can really bring everyone together, especially jiu jitsu. You see it in academies all across the world. So many times I'm on my mat and I look back and I'm sitting against the wall and I just look at the mat and I look around  and I see all of these people together, sharing their techniques and sharing their energies and having fun with each other and then you realize, look this is a highschool kid, this is a business man, this is a family man; people that are just all across the spectrum, people that would never cross paths with each other any other way. It's really amazing. I think you see that so much more with jiu jitsu than other martial arts because of the connection that you make with people."

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Grips Athletics Amazona Womens Gi Pics

As requested, the Grips Athletic Amazona pics to show how it fit me. My full review is on Breaking Muscle.